Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I will never forget the day my sister decided to help me after Reiley died. I don't recall where I had been, but I remember coming through the front door and my sister mentioned that she had bagged up some of Reiley's things.

I must have stood there with a blank stare as I couldn't respond. I felt as though I was being cheated of closing that chapter of my life myself. I was his mother and it was up to me to bag and box up his things without anyone else interfering with that process.

I was angry, instantly irate. I don't remember if I yelled or screamed or even said anything. I don't recall if I broke down into tears; but I do know that I held onto a great deal of resentment towards my sister for quite some time following.

Helping to clear out someone's possessions after they die is far from helping the person the loss most greatly impacts. Unless asked for assistance in doing so, just offer to be a support instead of taking the initiative to do so yourself.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I, much like you don't recall allot of the days after Reileys passing. I can tell you that at this point in time Gary had decided that helping you deal with the situation had become my job. He never took into consideration that this was not going to be an easy task for me as well. I can say honestly that during this time it was difficult for me to argue with him regarding my feelings and hurt let alone the feelings of my sister. We all know how authoritive he is and when he decides something, that is all there is. If at any point my sweet sister, did I think that this choice made for me would have hurt you never would have happened. I truely believe that you were never given the opportunity to feel! It seems that everyone was trying so hard to protect you, you were not allowed to feel or express those feelings.
To be honest with you, I don't even remember packing Reileys things. I do remember the idea of it, but not the action of it. We had gotten so close sis, I only wish that you had shared your feeling with me, that is sooo important to me even to this day! Please know I would never hurt you intentionally. EVER! I appologize to you.
If the situation would have been different, mom not sick, Gary such an arse....I possibly could have fought his wishes. Just only if things were different......
Just know I love you with all my heart!