As I quickly jumped out of the shower, praying my son did not open the door, I was greeted by one of those not-so-welcomed arachnids. After an unsuccessful attempt to squash the bugger, he darted and hid in the corner. A quick reach for a spray bottle of cleaner allowed me the opportunity to put an end to the threatening arachnid without damaging his freakishly large body.
I did a quick search on-line to ensure that the gruesome creature was not a hobo spider; of great concern as their venom is comparable to that of a brown recluse. In that search, I discovered this particular spider is neither of those, however, it's possibly the one who has caused much disruption to my legs in recent months.
Although I'm not an avid fan of taking out any of God's creatures, spiders have become my foe rather quickly this summer with countless bites occurring on my legs while sleeping. My home is now one spider less, and that, my dear readers, is a welcomed feeling.
Are you trying to kill me! I almost had a heart attack. Geez girl. Spiders do not belong on blogs -- you are brave. I'd never have gotten close enough to take a picture. Yikes.
It was dead when I took that picture. I'm thrilled that it is no longer alive, but in all reality, I was much happier blogging about the creepy crawlies than everything else that was on my mind...
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