Monday, August 27, 2007
A Personal Situation
I am angry and frustrated. I don't like for people just to stop by at my home, and unless I want someone in my home, I don't appreciate them taking it upon themselves to find their way here.
So who is this person and why, if I really can't stand him, does he know my address and phone number?
This person would be my 'father.' Better described as the man who adopted me when I was eight, claims to be my father, yet still, somehow, likes to force himself into my life and cause disruption in any way possible.
The only reason he wants to stop by is to meet my other half, as Cheyenne is on his way to see his 'real' son in Indiana. He wants to stretch his fatherly thumb down when he's been far from an active part in MY life since about the time my mother passed away in 2001. For that matter, the last time he saw his grandson was the last trip I took to Evanston; when my younger brother had his first child over a year ago.
He's committed to being here sometime Wednesday afternoon and wants to take us out to dinner. Horray, said in a very sarcastic manner as I rolled my eyes.
So, I'm curious... Is it possible to change my phone number and move in two days?
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Revamp and Redirection
Be forewarned, this place is about to undergo some serious revamping! I'll offer topics covered in this post, which will always be viewable first!
I look forward to spending more time covering everything that tickles your fancy in an organized manner!
Extreme Makeover: Update
I do have many pictures and even a video to share, but I will make you all sit waiting for a few more days as I'm gathering much information and quotes from individuals.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Update: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
While I was there, I took a few pictures of the place.
So now that you've had your viewing pleasure, I'll give you the exciting news! I pulled around following the street and came back up. I parked along side of the road and got out of my car to speak with the security guard. I asked a few important questions, watched the workers go by, discussed a few key people in the company (all women by the way) and acquired some much needed information.
The grand reveal will be Friday and when I return later today or tomorrow to snap more pictures, I will be given the time window of the reveal so I can be present for the event!
There are more posts to come about the exciting events transpiring on Four Mile Road in Cheyenne, Wyoming. One of them being video of the explosion that took the original house down!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Extreme Makeover, Pictures
I drove by the site, as close as possible before reaching security directing traffic away, and took a few pictures. I do not have a before image, unfortunately. Here are the pictures I took this evening.
View from the back.
You can see the top of the house over the design tents and trailers.
Distant View of the whole property. The new house is well under construction with two days left to build and get it together.
Another view of the house, zoomed in.
Building constructed on the side for an animal sanctuary. That construction is complete on the outside.
I am going to attempt to drive by again tomorrow now that it will be easier to find. I will update with additional photos as they come available.
ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
The Miller's 20 acre lot of land was purchased in hopes of creating a sanctuary for animals, yet has posed a life threatening issue for all. Radon, an odorless radioactive gas, fills the home.
Carter Brothers Construction, of Cheyenne, was selected to provide the manpower for the project. Their website offers a few photos as well as some information about the Millers and why they were selected.
I will travel out to the general area tomorrow and try to capture a few pictures myself!
"Please bring it back."
The conversation continued with his questioning of this item and that; all of which had been discarded to appropriate places.
Fortunately I have a bright three year old. Unfortunately he doesn't quite understand that once something leaves the house, it is not retrievable.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Fancy a Story or Two??
I travel here from a Kingdom far away. I am the Mother-Queen to Mini-King Jaden. I spend my days home, yet busily proofing and editing copy for the grandest trade magazine tailored to Real Estate Agents and REALTORS®. When work fails to call my every moment, grand adventures fill the moments allowed. Father-King-In-The-Making; Rob, Mother-Queen; me, and Mini-King; Jaden, enjoy the opportunity to quest at near-by Castles inhabited by the Royal Family. The occasional outing to the grassy knolls adds a small amount of spice to our summer lives. With the season change fast approaching our royal lives, the chilling air will allow for castles of Ice to be built midst the warming light from above. A fire-pit enclosed in hard stone, shall offer warmth and many moments for this family of three.
Respectfully offered as introduction to the Royal Family,
Mother-Queen Mysti
My signature reads:
In a Kingdom far away, a castle was built with precision. The bright colors reflected the mind of the King, a very young king. He worked for hours to have the Castle just right, encompassing all he saw within his minds eye. Success was found and pictures were taken to remember the greatness that developed through hard work and perseverance.
And through this process, I have created a story for a dear friend, who's daughter is sure to be a princess and her son, a dragon.
Thunder crashed and lightning struck the ground. Princess Jenna, while startled, unsheathed her sword. She knew the dark forces were near. The bushes rustled behind her and she heard a loud breath. Spinning around she called for the beast to present itself. A young dragon, JT, emerged and offered his help to restore peace and tranquility to the kingdom. Leary to start, Princess Jenna's questions were soon put to rest when Dragon JT saved her life by breathing fire and crisping the group sent to attack. Their journey continues into the deep, dark forest where the evil Black Sorceress Caroness resides...
It's been great fun writing simple little stories to go with pictures of our children. A different approach to writing for fun!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Spill
Working from home has fantastic opportunities for parents, until the deadline is fast approaching and a spill is mopped up by a three-year-old with the project at hand.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Mind over Matter
It was a sweltering spring day in Texas. I was participating in the middle school track and field events. Running had been a strong suit for me and I was sure I would succeed and earn the blue ribbon, a prize I would cherish.
The events seemed to take forever to complete. I did fairly well on the long jump, sprinted ahead of the pack in the quarter mile and then I stood in line for the high jump. I was far from thrilled about this event and wanted to give up before it even started. One of the girls standing beside me, Kim, offered a bit of a challenge. She piqued my interest with the challenge.
Kim towered over me, standing about 5'10”; compared to my 5'5. She was a couple years older than I was. I questioned if I could compete against her, but since she challenged; I was going to go for it!
One by one, we all took turns, sprinting down the lane and jumping as high as we could over the bar that increased inch by inch. We started at a mere three feet. Kim and I kept egging one another on in a very lighthearted manner through our intervals of waiting. Before I knew it, I was having more fun in that competition than I had running - and I took the blue ribbon in that event!
I stopped listening to the coach as he told us the new height. I looked at the measurements at the start of each race and noted what I thought was the five foot, one inch mark. I knew I could clear that easily and made my sprinting start. I approached the bar and jumped with all my might, stretching out and over the bar; landing on the soft matting without so much as a clip of the bar.
Kim followed me and I watched as her body was so gracefully lifted off the ground and over the bar, just as I had done. The competition was limited in numbers by that point. No one else cleared the bar that round. I felt proud in that moment and then I heard the coach say he was increasing the bar by one inch.
I heard the announcement of “six foot” and thought it was quite a large jump increase from my last jump. I mentioned something to Kim and she smiled and took off sprinting down the track. I watched her clear the bar, but she tapping it. The bar wobbled, but stayed put. I knew clearing this height would be a challenge.
I took a deep breath and focused on the bar. I tried to envision it shorter than it was, but the height kept ringing in my mind. I took off sprinting and jumped with even more force than I had before. I began to rise and over the bar I went, taking it down with my foot dragging too low.
When I got off the mat, I asked the coach what height I had cleared. With a very surprised look on his face, he said it was five foot, eleven inches. My best height was six-inches taller than I!
I took second place in that competition. Many years later, I know that the greatest life lesson learned during that race was mind over matter. I cleared that bar at five-foot, eleven inches because I was sure it was only five-foot, one inch.
Looking at life now, I follow that same approach. There is nothing I can’t accomplish if I visualize my goals at an attainable level.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Creepy, Crawly and Not-So-Welcomed
As I quickly jumped out of the shower, praying my son did not open the door, I was greeted by one of those not-so-welcomed arachnids. After an unsuccessful attempt to squash the bugger, he darted and hid in the corner. A quick reach for a spray bottle of cleaner allowed me the opportunity to put an end to the threatening arachnid without damaging his freakishly large body.
I did a quick search on-line to ensure that the gruesome creature was not a hobo spider; of great concern as their venom is comparable to that of a brown recluse. In that search, I discovered this particular spider is neither of those, however, it's possibly the one who has caused much disruption to my legs in recent months.
Although I'm not an avid fan of taking out any of God's creatures, spiders have become my foe rather quickly this summer with countless bites occurring on my legs while sleeping. My home is now one spider less, and that, my dear readers, is a welcomed feeling.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Proofreader Anyone??
I have to bring this forward, however. In the layout of their job ad, they have a table format listing experience required, pay, etc. The first issue standing out against a red background was "Experiance." Just for the record - Experiance is not spelled with an "A" it does contain an "E," as in E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E.
Thought of the day: Post nothing viewable to the public to scrutinize unless you undoubtedly know there are no serious issues.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Life is an amazing experience. There are events that transpire every day. While some I can recall with great clarity, others seem to vanish midst my memory until someone or something comes along and brings that memory to surface once again.
A few nights ago, at work, I was standing in the well of the bar and a gentleman sitting next to my well struck up a conversation. I do not recall the first words that he said to me, but the discussion of my eye color (or colors more accurately stated) happened. He made a statement that caught me off guard, a reference to Angels and their presence in our lives.
It was that reference that brought with it a flash of memories from a few times in my life. I continued our conversation although I was distracted and unable to grasp what all he had stated at that point.
I went about my work and when I returned to that area of the bar, he was gone... only after leaving a message for me to email him, as he would like to continue our conversation.
The memories that surfaced in my life have played a huge part in my own spirituality and faith.
The first memory I remember is nearly drowning in a swimming pool. I was wearing a strawberry shortcake swimsuit and I took a step off the stairs and found myself immobilized. I felt so comfortable and warm in the water. I remember looking up towards the sky and all I could see was a while light. I did not want to move. I was perfectly content and not even concerned about breathing.
I remember rising out of the water by hands below me and forced out of the state of comfort and peace. I remember gasping for air. It was that moment of coming out of the water; the memories of discontent, discomfort and frustration began and continued throughout my life with the events that transpired thereafter.
It was many years later, just before Reiley, my first child, died that I can recall the second incident this conversation brought forward in my mind.
I was sitting in the chair at the computer; frustrated with the entire situation I was living. I could not deal with controlling actions by someone else and felt trapped in all the responsibility that weighed on my shoulders. I was on the verge of crying when I saw her.
From the corner of the vaulted ceiling, a woman, appearing to be in her 30's made her decent. She had soft curls around her round face, appearing to be very healthy and a bit heavy set. She was in a blue dress with a flowing bell shaped skirt. There was a ribbon in a slightly lighter shade of blue that wrapped around her waist that flattered her figure well. She stretched her hand out towards me and said everything would be okay and what was about to occur was part of my life plan. She assured me that I would be okay and to keep my faith. There was a plan for me.
The next few months were challenging to say the least. The years after those events proved to be even more difficult.
The third and final account this conversation brought to the surface of my mind was my suicide attempt in June 2001.
I remember all of the negative emotions and thoughts that surrounded all I was feeling. Even though I knew there would be a few people who would miss me, I still said my good-byes and intended to end my life - right then.
I began taking pills, by the handful. I opened Pepsi after Pepsi and consumed them as quickly as I could. I cried at how horrible my life was and how much I missed my son. I thought of the treatment I received by someone who said he loved me and those thoughts brought a sense of resolution in my actions, my choice.
It was hours later when I awoke. I remember the gray that surrounded me. The feelings of indecisiveness swirled inside. I remember feeling love at the same time. I remember seeing this angel during that time. Her dress was silver, with layers and layers of a rippled fabric. Some areas were of deeper and richer shades of silver while other areas accented and filled with light and brightness. The bodice reminded me of an old English style dress, similar to that of the Elizabethan Era. A white lace stretched outside of her beautiful gown just above her bust. I remember feeling mesmerized by the incredible beauty that radiated from her.
She spoke with me and offered her support through my staying and continuing my tasks in life. There were details that she spoke about almost in a way of convincing me that my time was not complete. She pointed me back to the couch where my body laid and in an instant, I awoke.
I picked up the phone and called my mom. I reached out to her in an attempt to find strength to do what was necessary. She convinced me to call the police and call her back. I did just that and stayed in the hospital for three days until I returned home.
I have had some amazing experiences in my life. It amazes me at how quickly they were thrown to the far reaches of my memory and yet, with a very simple conversation, those experiences were brought back to the surface with a great intensity. Life and reflections of those past occurrences allows an amazing moment to recharge and understand where I have been and how far I have traveled since.
Friday, August 10, 2007
"Just Hit Send"
The freelance forum of AbsoluteWrite had a fantastic motivating thread for those branching out on their own to complete work for many sources. Magazines, companies, blogs and more are just part of the work some users do.
If you have a spare moment and want some extra support and encouragement to accomplish your writing goals, I'd definitely stop by and say hello! I'll be happy to offer all the support you could ever desire (when I'm not busily writing, that is.)
A Castle for A King
This morning, my son, Jaden brought out his tub of blocks and eagerly wanted to build a rocket and a castle. Off to the living room floor I went with much anticipation of the breaking down of what we were going to build.
These blocks have been part of Jaden's life since he could grasp them. Once used for gross motor skill development; they've found their new place with fine motor skill development and more importantly, a key to the imagination of my son's mind.
Monday, August 6, 2007
The American Past Time - Barry Bonds
Written in 1908 by Jack Norworth, Albert Von Tilzer set the lyrics to music and the song has become one of the most widely known songs in America.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Nelly Kelly loved baseball games,
Knew the players, knew all their names,
You could see her there ev'ry day,
Shout "Hurray" when they'd play.
Her boy friend by the name of Joe
Said, "To Coney Isle, dear, let's go,"
Then Nelly started to fret and pout,
And to him I heard her shout.
"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."
Nelly Kelly was sure some fan,
She would root just like any man,
Told the umpire he was wrong,
All along, good and strong.
When the score was just two to two,
Nelly Kelly knew what to do,
Just to cheer up the boys she knew,
She made the game sing this song.
Take me out to the ball game
Take me out to the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack
I don't care if I ever get back
'Cause it's root, root, root for the home team
If they don't win it's a shame
'Cause it's one, two, three strikes your out
At the old ball game
Many know the song. For those who fell in love with baseball; that song will sing in their hearts at each game and each major accomplishment achieved by an athlete.
"There's no crying in baseball![1]" With the exception of someone making such amazing strides and surpasses one of the most known and favorite players of all time, Babe Ruth in home runs. Barry Bonds accomplished that feat August 4, 2007 in the second inning.
Barry Bonds, under much scrutiny for steroid use, has left an amazing mark in the record books of baseball! Although many question the validity of his accomplishments during his 21-year baseball career, Barry Bonds has still stood at the plate and hit 2,912 balls[2] and 755 of those were home runs.
Barry Bonds has numerous other records as well.[2]
- Barry Bonds holds record for most home runs in a season (73)
- Barry Bonds holds record for most walks in a career (2,539)
- Barry Bonds holds record for most MVP awards (7)
- Barry Bonds is the only player in 400 home run and 400 stolen base club
- Barry Bonds is the only player in 500 home run and 500 stolen base club
- Barry Bonds holds record for most consecutive seasons with .600 slugging percentage or higher (8)
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Relationship Do's and Not-To-Do's
- Communicate. Communication is important. If you find that when you try to communicate your feelings to your partner it always leads to an argument, try writing your feelings down. Read through what you've written. If you find things that are just petty problems with no real validity, eliminate them. Try to find the sources behind your words. For example, jealousy, are you jealous because you know he/she is cheating, or does it go deeper? Did someone cheat on you in the past and now you don't trust anyone? Is your partner giving you what you need to feel secure? Once you realize where the feelings are coming from, you can address fixing the problem.
- Resist making accusations. Approach your partner calmly, without being defensive. Tell him/her the problem. Don't be accusing or they will become defensive and yes, you will end up in an argument. If you find it's easier to write it in a letter, then do so. Leave while they read it so you aren't hovering over them, waiting for their reaction. Let them process what you have said. Again, do not be accusing. Tell them you want to make your relationship better. Have suggestions for BOTH of you, not just them. Be sure you know the core problem and aren't just mentioning a symptom.
- Refrain from insulting your partner during arguments. Fighting dirty can quickly become a habit and eventually someone will say something that the other person cannot forget, or worse, forgive.
- Take time to tell your partner why you love him/her. Not once, but often. This can be something as small as a compliment on how they look. Your partner needs to know you appreciate them. Don't just assume they know. Everyone likes to be reminded they are loved.
- Be supportive and look for ways to give your partner the things they need the most. Even if they don't tell you what they need, you can figure it out if you pay attention. Some people have a hard time telling you what they need but there are clues. If you're not sure, ask.
- Don't neglect yourself. If your needs aren't being met, find a way to let your partner know. If you are unhappy, you will eventually blame your partner. It's much easier to let them know, in a positive way, the things you need.
- Never try to solve a problem when you are angry. Take time to cool down. I know this can seem impossible at times but think about it. Is anything ever really solved when you are yelling at each other?
- Set aside some time for just the two of you. If not once a week, then at least once a month. This should be quality, alone time, however you two choose to spend it. You might try arranging a specific day each week and take turns planning what you will do.
- Discuss decisions that affect the both of you and try to find a solution that will keep you both happy. Never make an important decision that affects you both without talking to your partner.
- Don't Lie! Everyone lies occasionally. It's in our nature. This isn't an excuse to lie to your partner. Every time you are caught in a lie, a little more trust is taken away. A healthy relationship requires trust. Never ever lie about things important to the relationship. You're better off facing the music if you've done something wrong then being caught in a lie.
- This won't keep you together but it is important to mention. Know when it's time to leave and make the break.Don't let anyone use you or abuse you. Most problems can be worked out if both people in the relationship make an effort to improve things. There are some exceptions. It's time to leave if the relationship becomes abusive. Do not hope things will get better because he/she says they will change. Leave! If at some future time they actually do change, you can consider getting back together then. Another deal breaker is infidelity. If your partner cheats on you, there is a good chance that even if you do stay together, the trust that keeps a relationship alive will be gone. I'm not saying you can't survive it, but it will take a great deal of effort from both people and your partner will have to stop. Never give them more than one chance to do so or you will be setting yourself up for a very destructive emotional roller coaster. If your partner sees that it's possible to cheat and you will keep forgiving, why would they change?
Let's take a look at five styles of handling conflict, along with alternative solutions for each.
These folks are the shooters of conflict. They live by the motto "cross me and you will pay." Instead of ready-aim-fire, they shoot first and ask questions later. This style causes lots of damage and usually serves to isolate the shooter.
Alternative solution: In the words of Stephen Covey, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." If you take the time to understand someone and that person's point of view, it's a whole lot easier to keep your shooter in its holster.
Crock potters
They let a conflict simmer for a while. Sometimes it can be as harmless as needing to mull things over before handling conflict. At their worst, crock potters simmer and seethe, building resentments, blowing up, or both.
Alternative solution: It can be healthy and productive to mull it over before you respond in a conflict. Instead of allowing it to boil over, agree on a time you will sit down together and calmly address the conflict.
Me right/you wrong
This style of conflict really is as primitive as Tarzan. People who hold tightly to the right to be right can go to just about any length to prove they are right, even to the point of ending the relationship.
Alternative solution: Punt. Give up the right to be right. Check out what you might be able to learn from the other point of view, which might even be as valid as your own. Shocking, I realize, but highly possible. The simple truth is that in marriage there are times when you can be right or be happy, but not both.
They elevate the infamous silent treatment to an art form. Conflict arises and they shut down. When you ask what's wrong, their reply is either "nothing" or "everything's fine," but you know better.
Alternative solution: Usually tomb-ers have a strong fear of conflict, believing that any conflict will end the relationship. Quite the opposite is true _ not dealing with the conflict can kill the relationship from within. Here are some words to begin with: "Can I tell you what I'm uncomfortable with here?"
They remember every fault, mistake and blunder ever made by their partner, including what was said, what you wore and where you were standing at the time. And, they're more than willing to remind you, in detail.
Alternative solution: Get a dry-erase board. Write the current conflict on the blank board. Deal with it. Resolve it. Erase it. Over, done with, gone.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
"The Super Sleuths are on the Case"
For anyone with children who are into the Disney channel, that slogan is all too familiar! In my household, however, I have to be the "Super Sleuth."
Today’s case: The Missing Jack Daniels® Tank-Top
Last Seen: Sometime last week during the blazing hot temperatures; worn for an afternoon then removed in the bathroom prior to showering (Yes, I do take showers!)
Imminent Need: I must wear this shirt to work tonight or risk having to dress in the dreaded black shirts and black shirts with cowboy boots that leave blisters on various parts of my feet
The problem: My three-year-old son is notorious for misplacing objects throughout the house. Aside from my structure in organization with business matters, the rest of my house seems to lack that same structure.
Action Taken: As I have now searched this place from top to bottom, I have yet to find the missing shirt. My only hope; it happened to make it into the laundry basket and into the washer before I received the call.
Continuing Course of Action: Wait out the washer and pray to the Gods above that my shirt will suddenly reappear and save my ever-loving butt!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Product Review: Nad's
I have always been one of those ladies who absolutely hates to shave her legs! In light of that wonderful piece of insight about myself; I have a product review for all the women out there!
Product Name: Nad's Hands Free Hair Removal Cream
Smell: It could smell worse, but comes close to burning the hairs out of my nose. 3/10
Ease of Use: If you consider the product is meant to be hands free; the sheer fact that I ended up with hair removal cream under my finger nails says it all. The bottle is difficult to squeeze, awkward to hold and the product is thicker than most hair removal creams. 2/10
Results: At the end of 5 minutes, as directed, hair was not even close to being ready for removal. I waited the additional five minutes and was able to remove about 1/2 of the hair on my legs. The tattoo on my ankle (now seven years old) is raised as if it is a fresh tattoo after using this product, however. (1/10)
This is one product I would definitely not recommend for anyone to use. The time and aggravation is worse than having a bikini wax done.