Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So it's been a crazy few weeks, to say the least. I've taken on a job that is fantastic in and of itself, but there is someone that is making the work near unbearable. Tomorrow will mark the "final" discussion about the position and what will transpire. I will, of course, offer more information about all of that after an agreement is reached - or not.

I also spoke with a company I do some regular work for - but haven't had a set contract for payment. I will be working on drawing that one up tomorrow - as well as one for the aforementioned position if my conditions are met.

On to the personal stuff - We took a fantastic trip this weekend past out to Curt Gowdy State Park. I took over 100 photo's from our fishing expedition and birthday celebration. The trip came just in time before fall weather set in. Hopefully we will be able to take one more day trip out that way in the coming weeks. I'd love to spend the day hiking in the area. Truly breath taking! (Okay, I keep talking. I promise I'll share some pictures!!)

Speaking of pictures, I do have some before/after pictures I need to get posted for the Extreme Home Makeover Edition that took place in the area. I also need to hound a friend of mine about getting my explosion footage to me! I won't be posting any information or interviews with the family - as they are under a strict no-talk agreement until the show airs. Once I have a confirmation of that date, I will be able to post an interview and possible pictures of the inside. Legal stuff - totally understandable.

I guess that's about it for now. I will get back to posting more now. Oh - and just so you know... my second blog is gone - sort of! I started my own dot com this week with information there and more information that I've collected. You can view the entire site at

Farewell for now!

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