Friday, July 20, 2007

A new career on the horizon...

One of the greatest assets when working in a bar is networking. I've been speaking with a couple who owns and operates the largest independent real estate trade publication over the last two months or so.

When I first met Chad and Tracy, I was asked what I was doing working in a bar when it was apparent that I had the intelligence to be holding any other position. My answer was simple; money. The financial rewards of holding a position of that sort has kept my family from struggling, most days. It was about that time Chad wanted to know what I would need to make in a month to live comfortably. I shot out a figure and the wheels in his mind started turning and he responded with; "Call me when you are ready to leave this job."

I blew him off as there are many people who will state something they are unable to hold fast to while they are in bars. I took the entire conversation as just that and went about my business.

A few weeks later, they were in again. We talked more and again Chad was pretty adamant about my leaving my job and beginning to work for him. I looked at his wife, Tracy, and asked if he was serious. She said he was dead serious and really wanted me to work for him.

I've mulled it over as we've continued talking and looking at all the options and opportunities involved with working for this company. Last night, they were in again and the conversation quickly turned from small talk to business talk. I met with them after I got off work and picked up the most recent copy of their publication and continued discussing this opportunity.

I was asked to quit my job and begin working for them next week; to which I had to decline. I can't just up and leave the position I hold in that manner, but did state that we could discuss this further at the end of frontier days. Chad was satisfied with my response and after much discussion at home about this opportunity; all systems are go once I have a few more questions answered.

So after the next 10 days, I have big decisions to make. I look forward to the change of pace, scenery and most of all working normal hours while making an income that is desirable for myself and my family.


Jennifer said...

That's a lot to consider. What would you be doing for them?

Mysti said...

Editing and magazine layout design. The hardest part about that would be learning the programs they use for layouts. I'm completely oblivious as to that type of program in general. But, if I can give myself a good two weeks focusing on the program and really mulling over all the features and possible programs with it; I'll be ready to go in that department.

I've been working on breaking down the magazine; articles, ad placements, borders, graphics, illustrations, company information, etc and even expanding that to their website and changes and upgrades that need to be done there for a much more smooth and efficient web experience. There are TONS of updates on their website that need to be completed at this point; as I've noticed inconsistencies between between the company information in the magazine (which is current) and what is on the site.

It's a great position and offers a fantastic way into this business and an edge up when it comes to my own writing. The hours look very pleasurable as well; Monday through Friday, typical business hours for the most part.

Leah J. Utas said...

What a wonderful opportunity. The Universe is smiling on you.

Jennifer said...

Wow, that is a good opportunity! Congrats (if you take it, or want it).

Polly Kahl said...

Hey Mysti, that's very exciting, and such a compliment! Keep us posted.